WORD • do-gooder

Turning 30 and having a baby this past year has made me realise some home truths:

1.     Sleep and showers are my true loves. Soz, husband.

2.     This planet and the living things on it need our help – will somebody please think of the polar bears?!

3.     Less is more: we don’t need as much stuff as we think we do. No, not even that splicer gadget that makes “spaghetti” out of veggies (spaveggie? vegetti? vajazzle?) Eat some carbs, already.

Given this sorry state of affairs, I pledge to live a kinder life by making more considerate decisions when buying things for my family, my home and myself.

From this day forward I will try my best to make good decisions about the goods in my life. To make those goods good for the world we live in.

All good?
